16 Effective Home Remedies to Get Rid of Eye Bags Fast

We’ve all had those days when we wake up and, voilà, they’re there, staring at us mockingly in the mirror: under-eye bags. From sleepless nights to allergies, to simply the stress of life, these pesky eye bags make us look older and tired. So, what can we do to get rid of eye bags?

There are many quick fixes, like cold compresses or cucumber slices, but if you’re looking for a more long-term solution, it’s essential to address the root causes. Hydrating, getting enough sleep, and even using certain skincare creams can make a world of difference.

For a full breakdown on how to get rid of eye bags once and for all, keep reading!

1. Use a Good Eye Cream to Get Rid of Eye Bags

get rid of dark circlesNow, on to the DIY hacks. Before getting to that, let’s discuss a reliable eye cream; this is one of the easiest ways to remove the bags under your eyes.

To add to that, look for an ingredient containing hyaluronic acid or caffeine, as these really do work. Apply at night or in the morning, and you’re good to go.

Personally, I would recommend using the eye cream by Revitol. You apply just a small dab underneath your eyes and let it absorb. The magic begins almost immediately.

2. Cold Spoons: Simple Under Eye Bags Treatment

Chill two spoons in the refrigerator for 10 to 15 minutes. Take them out, and gently press the spoons against your under-eye area. The cold will reduce the puffiness, and your eyes will look fresher.

Plus, it is like a mini-spa at home-it feels nice!

get rid of eye bags fast3. Tea Bags: Natural Under Eye Bags Remedy

    Used tea bags-green or black tea-work very well for reducing puffiness. Soak, cool, and apply to eyes for about 10 minutes. Caffeine helps reduce blood vessel size; hence, less puffiness.

    4. Cucumber Slices: A Refreshing Remedy

      For a reason, this is a classic. The cucumber slices help reduce inflammation and hydrate the delicate skin around your eyes. Bonus: they are also extra relaxing.

      5. Aloe Vera for Natural Healing

      Aloe vera is known for its soothing properties, hence making it a great choice when it comes to tired, puffy eyes. Apply a little fresh aloe vera gel under your eyes and leave it on for about 10 minutes. Wash off with cold water, and the difference will be felt.

      6. Potato Slices for Puffy Eyes

      Of course, potatoes have more uses other than as French fries. Thin potato slices laid over your eyes can help lessen swelling and make dark rings around your eyes less noticeable. You only have to recline and let the potatoes do their work for 15 to 20 minutes.

      7. Cold Milk: An Easy Under Eye Fix

      It will allow to soothe your skin in case of any puffiness and irritation. Dip two pieces of cotton into cold milk and put them under your eyes. Wait for 10-15 minutes. Cold milk is soothing and hydrating and takes the puffiness away.

      8. Egg Whites: Tightening Under Eye Bags Treatment

      Egg whites act to tighten the skin and help reduce puffiness. Whisk an egg white, place it under your eyes, and let it dry. Then, wash off with warm water for a mini eye-lift effect!

      9. Coconut Oil Massage to Get Rid of Eye Bags for Men & Women

      A light massage with coconut oil moisturizes and boosts circulation, therefore helping to reduce swelling and dark circles. Massage gently in a circular motion before bed. Coconut oil is also a way to get rid of stretch marks.

      10. Hydrate Like It’s Your Job

      Sometimes, those eye bags are just your body screaming for hydration. Make sure you drink enough water throughout the day. Staying hydrated flushes out toxins and reduces puffiness.

      11. Sleep on an Extra Pillow

      Elevating your head while sleeping can prevent fluids from pooling under your eyes. Adding an extra pillow at night may be the super fast fix you need.

      12. Witch Hazel Pads for Soothing

      Witch Hazel is a natural astringent to tone up your skin. Drench a couple of cotton pads in witch hazel. And place it underneath your eyes – ideally allow it to rest there for about 10 minutes. You can also think of it as a natural facelift.

      13. Rose Water for Gentle Hydration

      Rose water cools, soothes, and reduces puffiness and redness. Dip a cotton pad in chilled rose water and place it under your eyes for 10 minutes. You’ll feel fresher in no time.

      14. Cold Compress for Quick Relief

      If you are in a hurry, take an ice pack or even a bag of frozen peas and wrap it in a cloth. Place it on your eyes for a few minutes to reduce swelling.

      15. Reduce Salt to Prevent Under Eye Bags

      Salt in the food can cause water retention, and this condition makes your eyes appear puffy. Cutting down on salt intake, particularly during the evening, can also make a great amount of difference with regards to the way the eye bags appear.

      16. Vitamin E Oil: Nourishing Under Eye Bags Treatment

      Vitamin E oil is also a great moisturizer and antioxidant. Use it under the eyes lightly just before bed to combat puffiness and dark circles; just make sure you use it in small amounts so it absorbs well. Vitamin e Oil can also be used to remove pimple marks.


      Nobody loves waking up to puffy, tired-looking eyes. But all that will be a thing of the past with these 16 easy home remedies. From religiously applying your most trusted eye cream to taking an at-home cucumber spa treatment, to simply chugging more water, consistency is the key.

      Take a few of the following tips and put them into practice-you’ll be well on your road to brighter, bag-free eyes!

      And, of course, a good eye cream is recommended-not forgetting to apply the Revitol for that added boost to your skincare routine.

      Rejuvenate dark circles under the eye

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