Looking for information on laser acne treatment? As time progresses, the advent of technology makes things easier for everyone.
Today, not only communication, marketing, banking and a lot more has been made easy by technology, but it also takes an anti-acne solution to its highest form.
Laser acne treatment has been one of the best and effective acne-fighting solutions thus far. Acne sufferers were able to get rid of pimplesch condition in a quick and easy manner. There is no doubt, laser treatment has taken full advantage of technology.
So, with all these good things being said, what are the different laser treatments for acne? Read on to find out!
Laser Acne Treatment
1. Blue Light Laser Treatment
This work best for moderate pimples and acne conditions. Blue light treatment is usually used in procedures that utilized blue lights or treatments that emit visible lights. Keep in mind that this procedure is not recommended to patients with severe acne or extreme skin-related issues.
2. Photopneumatic Therapy
Another laser acne treatment that can clear up your skin and remove sebum and dead skin cells. It can also unclog pores and treat both whiteheads and blackheads. Photopneumatic therapy uses intense pulsed light coupled with a gentle vacuum.
3. Infrared Light Treatment
A laser treatment that uses a type of light that is less visible. The infrared laser procedure is said to remove mild to moderate acne and can also clear up pimples. However, this is not efficient in removing blackheads, cysts and nodules.
4. Photodynamic Therapy
This usually includes the application of a substance outside of the skin thus developing a photosensitized area. Then it is followed with the utilization of blue, red or pulsed light therapy to kill acne-causing bacteria.
5. Photoneumatic Therapy
A multi-step process that generally involves suction to eliminate dead skin cells and oil within sebaceous glands. In destroying the bacteria that triggers the occurrence of acne, Photoneumatic Therapy will use a combination of blue and red therapy.
6. Smooth-beam Laser
The process of this laser acne treatment will give you a comfortable feeling. Smooth-beam laser is done with topical anesthetic and a cooling cryogen spray. One of the best things about this laser treatment is that the redness after the procedure will quickly disappear and your skin will go back to normal after a few hours. Also, your skin will feel refreshed and smoother after the treatment.
What to Keep in Mind
Laser acne treatments are not for everyone. This treatment is actually reserved and designed for people who are unresponsive to traditional acne treatments like using over-the-counter medications, home acne remedies and other methods of treating such condition. Also, traditional treatment is far more cost-effective. So basically, laser treatment is not really ideal for patients who have a tight budget.
Therefore, if you want to get rid of pimples fast and cheaply, you can try some natural methods.
Knowing beforehand how much will it cost you and what you can expect after the treatment is necessary. It is important to know whether you will lose your acne and the associated scars completely or if the treatment will just reduce the condition. Make a smart choice! You could also try some other acne remedies.
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