Ringing Ears Remedies: 10 Natural Remedies for Your Tinnitus

Ever had that high-pitched ringing or whooshing sound in your ear that just won’t quit? You are not alone. Tinnitus, described as a ringing, buzzing, clicking, and even roaring in the ears, can drive you a little nuts. Well, don’t sweat it, man; there’s hope! Though the origins of tinnitus range from stress to buildup of earwax, or even to loud music, there are a number of natural ringing ears remedies that may help settle the noise.

Or, if you’re fed up with the ringing and want something a little more now, I’ve found a product that many said works wonders. But more on that later!

Let’s get into some remedies, shall we?

ringing ears remedies tinnitus1. Ginkgo Biloba: Boost Your Ear Health to Get Rid of Ringing in Ears

Of all the ringing ears remedies being tried out, ginkgo biloba has probably been one of the most popular treatments for tinnitus and is an ancient herbal remedy.

This is thought to help in improving circulation in the ear for reduction of that relentless ringing or buzzing sound. Give your ear a mini spa day. Take a few drops of the extract gingko or in pill form to help soothe the noise.

Ginkgo biloba is also useful for bags under the eyes since it improves blood flow and also reduces fluid retention.

2. White Noise Machines: Silence the Whooshing Sound in the Ear

Sometimes, the best thing to do if you have tinnitus is just to mask it. That’s where white noise machines come in: they help drown out the cacophony of sounds inside your head with soothing sounds from the outside world—ocean waves or rain showers, for example. You can even try white noise apps for maximum convenience.

And hopefully you won’t have to lie awake at night waiting for the ringing to stop.

3. Reduce Caffeine and Booze Intake

Not what you wanted to hear, probably (pun alert), but too much coffee or a glass of wine might be worsening your tinnitus. Both caffeine and booze constrict blood vessels and affect circulation—and that buzzing or clicking sound sounds like it’s amplifying.

Cutting back a little bit or completely may be all you need. Your ears will appreciate it!

4. Stress Management: Keep Calm and Quiet on Tinnitus

Stress may be one of the major culprits causing tinnitus flare-ups. Your ears are telling you to just “Chill out, man!” How one relaxes—whether through yoga, meditation, or a few sips of oxygen via deep breathing—can certainly help tone down that whooshing sound in your ear.

Plus, it’s good for your overall well-being and also reduces wrinkles as well as dark circles around the eyes. Win-win!

5. Apple Cider Vinegar: A Tonic for Your Ears

The magic elixir strikes once more! Apple cider vinegar is supposedly an anti-inflammatory and antifungal concoction that can ward off the infections believed to be contributing to your tinnitus. Mix a small amount of ACV with water and drink; let the goodness work its magic from within. Who knew that stuff one probably has in their pantry could quiet the ringing?

6. Reduce Tinnitus with Vitamin B12

Some studies seem to show that a lack of vitamin B12 might be linked with tinnitus. The addition of vitamin B12 to your diet, by way of eggs or dairy products, or even supplementation, may help eliminate ringing in the ears. You may want to discuss your levels with a healthcare professional.

7. Garlic Oil Drops: One of Many Ringing Ears Remedies

Other than that, garlic has been claimed as a panacea for just about everything from flatulence to baldness. It shouldn’t be any surprise that tinnitus is no different. Such garlic oil drops may work at improving circulation and reducing swelling in the ears to perhaps help that incessant hissing or humming in your ears.

Make your own garlic oil at home by steeping olive oil with garlic cloves and apply a few drops in your ear—a smelly remedy, perhaps, but very effective.

8. Sound Therapy: Get Into the Flow and Stop the Roaring in Your Ears

This can be as simple as listening to calming music or even using a device that can produce low-volume tones that help distract you from the ringing. Think of it like soothing background noise for your ears. Others will use special sound applications that create soothing frequencies.

Whether you experience a roaring or humming sound, this may give you a little peace and quiet.

9. Magnesium: Power Up Your Ears and Combat Tinnitus

Magnesium is another mineral that is thought to reduce tinnitus to a minimum. It’s good for nerve functioning and blood circulation, so your ears will thank you. Add leafy greens, bananas, and nuts to your diet, or take some magnesium as a supplement. Your ears might just heave a sigh of relief.

10. Exercise Regularly: Keep That Blood Flowing to Get Rid of Ringing in Ears

But did you know that regular exercise does more than keep you fit? It might also improve blood flow to your ears, which eases symptoms of tinnitus. Whether it’s a brisk walk, yoga session, or even dancing around your living room, moving your body may help lower the volume on that buzzing sound in your ears.

tinnitus remedyReady for Relief from Tinnitus?

Just before we wrap things up, I did say earlier that a product can help quiet the ringing, and voilà! This all-natural supplement, trusted by many, may help in calming that constant noise in your ears.

It is packed with essential nutrients for ear health and has been a game changer for so many people at war with tinnitus.

And the good news is that it’s easy: just take it as directed, and for many users, it drives out much of the ringing, buzzing, and humming.

Ready to give your ears a break? See for yourself here.

Time to Tune Out the Noise

There you have it, then—ten natural ringing ears remedies to help quiet that constant ringing in your ears. While the journeys of tinnitus are all different, these remedies can soothe some pain.

Give them a try, mix and match, and see what works for you. After all, nobody deserves to be condemned to listening to a concert of buzzing or clicking that doesn’t end.

And if you’d like more support, that product I mentioned earlier may be what you need to help with your tinnitus.

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